Sample Student Post

Sample Publication

by Dr. W.

This is an example of how your publication should appear on each of your blog posts. Note the following points:
Everthing you publish must have a title (type it in the title box at the top of the page).
You are expected to include hyperlinks to pages that contain text and/or images in order to encourage your readers to expand their reading experience while reading your post.  Use the "Link" tool at the top of the posting page, or use the Blogger Help tools if you are unsure how to create hyperlinks in your documents.
The date and time of publication will automatically appear; do not change the date and time settings established for your page.
Anything you publish must include your first name and last initial on an upper byline (as in this example).  Do not use your complete name.
Check your comments section frequently and respond to your readers' comments and questions in a timely manny.
A number of rules must be followed.  Please refer to your green user ID and password sheet.
Never change the password to your page.  If you forget your password, email Dr. Wise.  Do not go through the password recover system on the web site.
NEVER use your own phone number to verify an account if prompted by Google. Instead, click the blue 'Skip' option and inform the professor that the account has requested verification. (Dr. Wise will log in and verify the account.) Skipping the verification process will not hinder your ability to log in or publish to your page.
You ARE allowed to change the background of your post.  Remember, this is your blog, so make it your own.  I strongly suggest that you use the backgrounds available in google blogger.
YES! PLEASE DO feel free to add photos, just not of yourself, your classmates, your family, or friends. Pictures such as your dog, horse, cat, or gerbil are fine, however.   You may also add gadgets to your page (slideshow, video, list of favorite links, etc.). Avoid making your page too cluttered, and always provide original site/author information of items you use from other sources.